This movie is about a city, and tells a tale of two classes, high class people live above ground and the lower class live below ground. Freder who is the son of the master of the city, falls in love with maria. She lives below ground and tries to make it so there is equality. The workers of the lower-class city work all the time making it, so the upper-class city runs.

when it came out in 1927, Metropolis was viewed with a mix of reviews. However, over time it has gained the respect it deserves. It is seen now as a masterpiece. A groundbreaking piece of art. And a major influence on science fiction films since. From Star Wars to Blade Runner and the Matrix. It continues to awe audiences today with its beautiful effects and themes. Its legacy continues because of the director fritz lang and the power of the actors. Whether you’re a sci-fi fan or not this movie is a must see.

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