In our cities and streets there is a community that is often ignored, the homeless. They have untold stories that need to be heard, struggles that need to be addressed and lives that need to be seen. As we pass by them on the streets we often look away and pretend that they are not there. Go on with our lives as if they do not exist, but what if we stopped for a second and listened to what they have to say, listen to their stories, and see what got them to this point? Just because they do not have a home does not mean they deserve to be ignored. Often, they are treated poorly because of their situation, even discriminated. Homeless people do have feelings. They have just made a few bad decisions in their lives. We all make mistakes, right? By seeing the invisible, we can have compassion and start to help. Each homeless person has a story to tell, and we need to start listening. I say this because I am the woman in those pictures. Together we can make a difference. So let us open our eyes, our hearts, and our minds to see their story, from their struggles and their spirit. Every act of kindness matters, no matter how small.

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