interweaving my ideas, my classmates and ideas of other students and incorporating elements from past students’ storytelling can create a rich narrative. This is how it can be done.

Research and understand.

Get to know the ideas and storytelling styles of other students and past students, by reading and or watching their content in the storytelling project.

Identify common themes or motives.

Look for a common theme, motives or storytelling techniques that are like my ideas. This could be a recurring theme of a character or narrative structure.

Find points of connection.

 Identify areas where my ideas intersect those of other students. This could be through shared themes, characters, settings, or plot points.

Blend and adapt.

 blend my ideas with those of other students in a way that feels organic and seamless storytelling elements from previous students to fit my own narrative style and. Vision  and my thoughts.

 unique spin.

Inject my own unique perspective and creativity into the mix. This could involve adding. New characters Subplots or. twists that enhance the overall narrative.

Maintain. Collaboration.

Ensure that the different elements I am incorporating. Into the storytelling project blend together.

Avoid Script shifts  or style that could ruin the storytelling process.

By doing this I should have no problem connecting the dots with other students.

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