New Student Orientation

Step Ten is The Road Back and Metamorphosis. After the hero is headed home, they run across the owl statue which tells them that the cave of wonders and the cave paintings are from those that came before, and they hold the secrets on how to move to the next step. So, they go into the cave and find the cave paintings and receive resources for mental health and the care team. My area of study is information technology, and my engagement objects are the wise owl statue, the cave paintings, and the cave of wonders.

The evolution of my work in second life involved a lot of shopping to find the statue. I initially wanted it to be like an easter island statue, but the way I made it was too detailed. So, I eventually had to make a completely different statue and it ended up being an owl. I created it using adobe illustrator. Drew the pieces of the owl separate, like the eyes, body, beak and so on. After I had finished drawing each piece professor brock made it 3d and uploaded it in second life. I loved coloring it too. With the cave professor brock just bought one. I drew a handprint, some flames, and a few cave men and professor brock put them on the cave wall. I also made a notecard for the statue and the paintings.

With each step, students develop and become successful in college. This storytelling project is more than just a game, it is encouraging for those who are anxious to start college. It is a courageous statement to share it is a message that says everything is going to be okay. If not, then there are resources that can assist you.

Premise and purpose.

My engagement items are cave paintings. My animal is an owl named Stix. the program I chose is information technology, and the services s mental health. My step is 10 metamorphosis transformation.

We discover our heroes, as they embark on a journey of discovery. Driven by a sense of purpose they could not yet understand, the heroes set out from their village with only their wits and a heart full of courage.

The hero’s journey led them to the dense, mystical Whispering Forest, a place said to be filled with ancient magic. As night fell, they found themselves at the edge of a dark, looming cave. Just as fear began to creep into their heart, a wise old owl named Stix swooped down from the trees and landed softly on a branch nearby.

“Fear not, young traveler,” Stix hooted. “The Cave of Wonders holds the key to your metamorphosis. Enter with an open heart and mind.”

Encouraged by Stix’s words, The heroes stepped into the cave. The air inside was cool and filled with a faint, glowing light emanating from the walls, which were adorned with intricate cave paintings. These paintings told stories of heroes who had come before them—each one a tale of courage, sacrifice, and transformation.

As The theories wandered deeper into the cave, they came upon a grand, stone statue of an ancient warrior. The statue’s eyes seemed to glow with a life of their own. Suddenly, it said: “I am Arion, guardian of this cave. To gain the wisdom you seek, you must first understand the journeys of those who came before you.”

The heroes spent hours studying the cave paintings, learning from the depicted heroes’ triumphs and trials. They saw how they overcame immense challenges through perseverance, compassion, and wisdom. With each story, they felt themselves growing stronger and more determined.

Arion, the statue, then guided the heroes to a hidden chamber deep within the cave. “This chamber holds a test of your spirit,” Arion intoned. “Only those who are truly ready for their metamorphosis can pass.”

Inside the chamber, the heroes faced their deepest fears and doubts. Shadows loomed, whispering their insecurities, but they remembered the lessons from the cave paintings. Drawing strength from the heroes’ stories and their own inner resolve, they confronted the shadows and emerged victorious.

As they left the chamber, The heroes felt a profound change within them. They were no longer the uncertain girl who had entered the cave, but confident they were ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Stix appeared once more, his eyes twinkling with pride. “You have done well, The heroes. Your journey is just beginning, but you are now equipped with the wisdom and strength of those who came before you. Remember their stories and let them guide you.”

With renewed purpose, the heroes left the Cave of Wonders, ready to embrace their destiny. The wise owl, Stix, and the guardian statue, Arion, watched their departure, knowing that they were destined for greatness.

And so, the heroes’ metamorphic journey continued, each step bringing them closer to becoming the hero they were meant to.


Audience and market

The project is intended for new students who are going to attend college. The entertainment they are interested in is storytelling. I would think that the students are tech savvy because everyone is nowadays. The project would be appealing to them because it is virtual. They have storytelling projects at other schools.

Medium platform genre

The interactive medium and media work is composed of virtual elements. Pixels. Probably coding or. The strength of the medium is that they can be utilized virtually, and the limitations are that not everyone can enjoy the project because not everyone can afford a computer that will provide a virtual environment. The platform will be one is second life. The genre it fits in is stimulation, or historyish.

Narrative and gaming elements

Our work consists of narrative elements, it is a story. The storyline and major events are mostly analyzed, but on the other hand, students comprehend some aspects of the process.

My step is step ten which is the hero is on their journey home and metamorphosis. I think the challenge the hero faces on the road back is metamorphosis. Change is a good thing but not knowing what lies ahead is terrifying. The tone of my narrative is humorous, informative, and optimistic. All while being encouraging. Our work does utilize gaming elements, but there is no losing. It is always winning.

User’s role and point of view

The role the user will take on in the interactive environment is the hero. The nature of the user’s agency is the freedom to choose whether they interact in the virtual world or in real life. The point of view of the user would be to see themselves in the virtual world if they choose to be in world.


The nonplayer characters in our project are those who either choose not to be in the world or those who cannot afford a great computer. The nonplayer characters have a role as helpers to those who play in world.

Structure and interface.

The starting point in the user’s experience is step one and the ending point is step twelve. Our project is structured by being like a story. The beginning introduces the characters, the setting, and the conflict. In the middle is the developed subplot, The challenges, and the climax. The end results are the conflict, shows the outcome, and delivers the message. The user will navigate through the content. By moving to each step, they will know If they are progressing by Winning rewards. The navigational elements are steps, rewards, interaction, and resources.

Story world and sub settings

The world where our project is set is virtual. It consists of an island with a big pirate ship. It is divided up by Water and land. The setting looks like a virtual world. . There are different Settings. If the user chooses the virtual experience, they get to choose the challenges in the project. The time period is the steam punk period with a little pirate era.

User engagement.

The user will stay engaged and want to spend time with it because there are ways of interacting with other students, winning rewards, and learning all the wonderful things that Peninsula College has to offer.

The important goal.

The user is trying to accomplish by the end of the experience is to get it done. It will be of significant importance to users to learn everything about where they are going to go to school  There is added tension to the experience because this is what they want to do before classes start. I will not be building a system of rewards or penalties. I am offering meaningful interactivity by letting students choose their own path to freedom and encouragement. The activity will not have a significant impact on the experience.

Overall look and sound

The visuals I will be using are animations, video text and images. The overall look of the environment is realistic and fantasy, a little of both. There is not a connection between virtual and physical interactive experiences. The elements or objects in the scavenger hunts are animals’ friends and foes. The setting for the hunt is the virtual world. The goal for the transformative experience is making friends learning resources and having an enjoyable time.

Marketing the hero’s journey

This project will be marketed through social media, news and through the school. The social media will be Facebook, Instagram TikTok, and twitter. It will not require mentorship or management to be successful.

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