Define my audience.

First things first, I Define my audience. If I am going to do this, it might as well be the moving pictures festival. Understanding my audience will help guide my direction.

Create a compelling trailer.

A compelling trailer can create interest and capture attention. So, I am going to have to make it interesting and convey my message.

Press release and media coverage.

Send press releases to local and national media outlets. Who would not want to see my movie?


Organize a Q&A to generate interest and answer questions. Plus, it helps that I engage with my audience.

Crowdfunding campaigns

Use platforms to help raise funds and generate buzz. Offer incentives to come to the campaign like exclusive access.


I can partner with nonprofits that share the message of kindness. Plus, they can help promote my stuff.

Leverage SEO

Optimize my online content with relevant keywords to improve visibility in search engines. This way people can find my stuff.

Market Strategy plan


  1. Create a teaser trailer.
  2. Send out press releases.


  1. Release trailer and promote it on social media.
  2. Host a premiere.
  3. Partner with nonprofits

 Post Launch

  1. Continue engaging with the audience.
  2. Arrange screenings at various places.
  3. Seek feedback and reviews to improve.


By doing all of this I should not have a problem marketing my stuff.

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