Today I had a migraine and missed presenting our project. My head is just now starting to feel better, and it is 10:10pm. I’m upset because I was really excited to show what we had been working on and the story part I had too. I guess I can put in what I was going to present and how it relates to the video Virtual cultures in pandemic times.

Once our heroes reach step ten, they stumble across a cave. They see a statue of an owl, they click on it and it gives them a card that says “you have reached the cave of wonders, to reach the next step in your journey you must unlock the secrets of the cave paintings of those who came before you. So, then they enter the cave of wonders and see the cave paintings. They click on the cave paintings and then they are handed a card and the resources for mental health and counseling services are the secrets from the ones who came before. Then they are able to reach the next step in their journey.

The work we have been doing in second life has been an awesome experience. It has been amazing watching all of this come together and my classmates working together to create an experience for new students. How this relates to the video virtual cultures in pandemic times by having a story in second life and how people come together to make a story.

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