images in films

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Image by Heather Cofer Bloom Copyright2024@Heathercoferbloom to an external site.

Images in films are a highly effective way to cause emotion. Directors use images in films to cause a powerful and effective emotion. This is important because it makes the film memorable, likable, and better. Many directors use this in their films and most people do not even realize that there is an image system. It is a way to speak to the audience without actually speaking to them.  

My favorite director to use this system is Quintan Tarantino. Not sure whether I spelled that right or not. He is famous for such films as Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Desperado, Dusk at Dawn, and many more. He uses a unique technique of images in his films. His films include lots of blood, they are gory movies, and they do cause a great emotional stir.

Another director is Tim Burton. Every movie he makes is always dark and unusual. He is famous for such films as The Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissor Hands, Beetlejuice, Corpse Bride, Sweeny Todd, Wednesday, Batman, Batman returns, Mars attacks and many more. They are so great and anything he directs; you can always tell he directed it because of the image system he uses. He has his own unique style and it’s great.

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