MetaLiterate Prosumer And Digital Citizen

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Image By Heather Cofer Bloom

Social Media Marketing

Being a digital citizen is a responsibility, which involves how to behave and actions to take when posting on social media. This includes being respectful of others, being careful about what I share, and ensuring I check the facts on everything I share with others. As a responsible digital citizen, I have to observe the impact I can have on others and ensure that I show kindness, compassion, and demonstrate that helping others is where it is.

MetaLiteracy encourages people to not only take in information but also to check information sources. It creates a deeper understanding of how information is created, shared and consumed online. By using meta literacy creators can know the difference between misinformation and true information.

Every time I post anything on my WordPress website, it is also posted on all of my social media. I believed I have made great posts that were engaging, but there are not any engagers. It is ok I will someday, and when the time comes, I will be ready.

I have not been successful in creating something engaging. I do create delightful things, at least I think it is.  

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